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    Продаете недвижимость, машину, телефон, одежду?  Тысячи  просмотров ежедневно на dispute.az  помогут вам. Бесплатная доска обьявлений.

Vacancies 5 (Вакансии 5)

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Project Manager (Consulting in Carbon Area )

Salary 2000-3000 USD (NET)

Job Title: Project manager

Location of the office: Baku, Azerbaijan;

Schedule:option 1 - 9am - 6 pm, Monday - Friday

 option 2- distance; office work only 5-7 days a month  (can work out of the country)

Expected salary: 2000 - 3000 usd


Degree in Engineering, Chemical Field

MBA as plus

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;

Excellent organizational skills, ability to multi-task and organize others;

Excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to professionally represent the company;

Ability to develop and maintain good working relationships at all levels, including during difficult or challenging circumstances;

job description

-Knowledge of International treaties and standards concerning of carbon trading

-Analyze  technical attributes of Azerbaijan Carbon market to develop and implement profitable trading strategies.

-Business development and Marketing for various Carbon commodities,  building relationships and networks with sellers and buyers of such commodities.

-Develop and coordinate the Action Plan and provide technical advice on carbon trading.

-Understand   Azerbaijan and International carbon  market including product knowledge, business challenges and legislative changes.

-Represent the firm at conferences, engage with stakeholders and the carbon market community, follow and be up to speed with regulatory policy.

Working Schedule -09.00 -18.00

Possible business trips

Registration in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation.


Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected] [email protected]  http://germesconsulting.com/job/


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с ФБ:

!! Бесплатное обучение !!
Начинается набор на радио-станцию 107,7 AVTO FM. Бесплатное обучение по направлениям : продюсер, радио-ведущий, диджей, с дальнейшим трудоустройством. Нужны активные молодые люди (пол и возраст не важен) с хорошим чувством юмора, грамотной речью, совершенным азербайджанским языком ( без акцента), с широким кругозором, умением вести и поддерживать беседу и любовью к музыке. Обучение проводит радио-спец с 15-ти летним стажем. По всем вопросам 0556264666

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взято с ФБ:
Xaliq Faiqoglu
Нравится Страница

“Xaliq Faiqoğlu” MMC ilk dəfə olaraq ictimai nəqliyyatda sürücü kimi işləmək istəyən xanımları əməkdaşlığa dəvət edir. Daim yeniliklərə açıq olan şirkət Bakı şəhərində, xüsusi ilə şəhərin mərkəzi hissələrində sərnişindaşıma fəaliyyəti göstərən avtobuslarda qadın sürücülərin də işləməsini arzulayır və bu məqsədlə zərif cinsin nümayəndələrini işə dəvət edir.

“D” sürücülük kateqoriyası olan və avtobus sürücüsü kimi işləmək istəyən qadınlar [email protected] e-mail ünvanına cv yollaya və ya Mir Cəlal küçəsi 1D ünvanında yerləşən ofisimizə birbaşa müraciət edə bilər.

Nəzərinizə çatdırmaq istəyirik ki, yeni sürücülər üçün müvafiq təcrübə proqramları təşkil ediləcək. İşə qəbul ediləcək qadın sürücülər 8 saatlıq iş rejimində fəaliyyət göstərəcək və “EURO 5” standartlı müasir avtobusları idarə edəcək.

Qeyd edək ki, bir çox ölkələrdə, eləcə də qonşu dövlətlərdə ictimai nəqliyyat sistemində qadın sürücülər kifayət qədərdir.

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Müdafiə Nazirliyi “Ehtiyat zabit hazırlığı kursu”na namizədlərin qəbulunu elan edir

Müdafiə Nazirliyinin hərbi hissələrinə zabitlərin həqiqi hərbi xidmətinə könüllü daxil olmaq arzusunda olan, müddətli həqiqi hərbi xidmətini başa vurmuş, ali təhsilli, 28 yaşınadək vətəndaşlar oktyabrın 1-dən 22-dəkmüvafiq sənədlərlə birlikdə Azərbaycan Respublikası Silahlı Qüvvələrinin Təlim və Tədris Mərkəzində (SQ TTM) fəaliyyət göstərən qəbul komissiyasına  müraciət edə bilərlər.
“Ehtiyat zabit hazırlığı kursu”na qəbul olunmaq üçün müraciət etmiş vətəndaşlar hərbi xidmətə yararlılıq dərəcələrinin müəyyən edilməsi məqsədilə Müdafiə Nazirliyinin Hərbi Həkim Komissiyasına göndərilir və komissiyanın qərarına əsasən hərbi xidmətə yararlı hesab edilmiş şəxslər qəbul imtahanlarına buraxılırlar.
Fiziki hazırlığı, ümumi bilik səviyyəsi, düşünmə qabiliyyəti, peşə maraqları, ünsiyyət qurmaq, liderlik və qərar qəbuletmə bacarıqları, həmçinin fərdi-psixoloji və digər keyfiyyətlərinin öyrənilməsi məqsədilə keçirilən imtahanları müvəffəqiyyətlə vermiş namizədlər kursa qəbul edilirlər.
Kursu müvəffəqiyyətlə başa vuran kursantlara leytenant hərbi rütbəsi verilməklə zabitlərin həqiqi hərbi xidmətinə qəbul olunmaları barədə bağlaşma bağlanır və ixtisaslarına uyğun vəzifələrə təyin olunurlar.
Namizədlər SQ TTM-də fəaliyyət göstərən qəbul komissiyasına müraciət edərkən aşağıdakı sənədləri təqdim etməlidirlər:
- kursa qəbul olunmaq barədə ərizə (qəbul komissiyasının sədrinə);
- şəxsən yazılmış tərcümeyi-hal, əlyazma ilə - 1 nüsxədə və çap edilmiş - 2 nüsxədə;
- xidmət (iş və ya təhsil) yerindən xasiyyətnamə;
- ali təhsil haqqında sənədin notarial qaydada təsdiq edilmiş surəti - 2 nüsxədə;
- xarici dövlətlərdə təhsil almış namizədlər üçün, ali təhsil haqqında sənədin notarial qaydada tərcümə və təsdiq edilmiş surəti ilə yanaşı, həmin sənədə Azərbaycan Respublikasının Təhsil Nazirliyi tərəfindən verilmiş şəhadətnamənin notarial qaydada təsdiq edilmiş surəti;
- doğum haqqında şəhadətnamənin və şəxsiyyət vəsiqəsinin notarial qaydada təsdiq edilmiş surəti - 2 nüsxədə;
- nikah haqqında şəhadətnamənin notarial qaydada təsdiq edilmiş surəti (evli olduqda) - 2 nüsxədə;
- uşaqların doğum haqqında şəhadətnamələrinin notarial qaydada təsdiq edilmiş surəti (uşaq olduqda) - 2 nüsxədə;
- evlər idarəsindən və ya yerli icra hakimiyyəti orqanlarından ailə tərkibi və yaşayış yeri haqqında arayış - 2 nüsxədə;
- 4 ədəd rəngli fotoşəkil (baş geyimsiz, anfas, 2 ədəd  3x4 sm və 2 ədəd 4.5x6 sm ölçüdə);
- psixoloji, nevroloji, narkoloji, vərəm və dəri-zöhrəvi dispanserlərdən (kabinetlərdən) qeydiyyatda olub-olmaması barədə arayışlar;
- qeydiyyatda olduğu poliklinikadan sağlamlıq haqqında arayış;
- qeydiyyatda olduğu poliklinikadan son 5 (beş) ildə infeksion xəstəliklərlə bağlı müraciət edib-etməməsi haqqında arayış;
- hərbi biletin surəti (notarial qaydada təsdiq olunmuş) - 2 nüsxədə.
Ünvan: Bakı şəhəri, Yasamal rayonu, Şəfaət Mehdiyev küçəsi 76, “Qızıl Şərq” hərbi şəhərciyi (Azərbaycan Respublikası Silahlı Qüvvələrinin Təlim və Tədris Mərkəzi)
Telefon: (012) 538-85-62
Müraciət etmə vaxtı: 2018-ci il oktyabrın 1-dən 22-dək hər gün (bazar günü istisna olmaqla) saat 09.00-dan 17.00-dək.
Qeyd: Məhkumluğu olan hərbi vəzifəlilərin “Ehtiyat zabit hazırlığı kursu”na qəbul üçün müraciət etməmələri xahiş olunur.
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Baku Engineering University announces a competition for holding a following vacant positions:


A dean of the faculty:

1.Engineering Faculty

2.Faculty of Pedagogy

3.Faculty of Economics

Vacant positions on the head of departments and chairs:

Mechanical Engineering:  -associate professor, 2 places; senior lecturer, 2 places, lecturer, 1 place

Chemical Engineering:   - associate professor – 1place; senior lecturer – 2 places; lecturer- 2places

Industrial Engineering:  -the head of department; senior lecturer- 1 place

World Economy: -  senior lecturer – 2places; lecturer- 2places

Finance: - associate professor – 1place; senior lecturer- 2places; lecturer-  2places

Public Administration: - associate professor – 1place; senior lecturer- 1place

Accounting and Auditing: - senior lecturer – 2places; lecturer- 1 place

Physics: – associate professor- 1place; senior lecturer- 2places;  lecturer - 2 places

 Riyaziyyat:-  senior lecturer – 2places; lecturer- 1place

Mathematics and Informatics: -  senior lecturer – 2places

Chemistry: - associate professor – 1place

English Language and Literature: - associate professor - 1 place

Foreign Language:  – associate professor- 1 place

Biology:  – senior lecturer- 2places; lecturer- 2places

Social Sciences- the head of department;  senior lecturer – 4places; lecturer- 1 place


Training is conducted in Azerbaijan and English languages.


                                                     For further information:

 Adress:   Khirdalan  city, H.Aliyev str. №120, AZ0101, Absheron,Baku, Azerbaijan

Tel: +994(012)349-99-66/67+Internal number: (1504, 1114, 1218)

Fax: (+99412)-349-99-90/91

e-mail: [email protected]    web site: www/beu.edu.az



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В страховую компанию для работы в call centr требуются работники. Число мест ограниченно. 

Суть работы: Обзвон потенциальных клиентов, привлечение к страхованию. 

Обучение: Бесплатное.

Рабочее время: 09:00 - 18:00. Пятидневка.


Перспективы: Возможности для карьерного роста. Возможность создания своего Start Up.

Стаж работы: не требуется,

Знание языка: Азербайджанский, знание русского приветствуется.

Возраст: от 22 лет.


для мужчин есть вакансия страхового агента.

Зарплата: 250 манат, + Бонусы от продаж, в зависимости от объема.


Анкеты отправляейте на [email protected].

Если есть вопросы звоните 050 251 33 03 



Edited by Life faktor
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20 минут назад, Nailya Aghaeva сказал:

 Добрый день помогите пожалуйста найти работу. 

Pastry / Кондитер

Парень 30 лет

Стаж работы с 2007 года. 

Номер: 055 565 44 80

Вы мама ? Вам нужно обратиться в эту организацию http://chefs.az/az/  Гильдия Поваров 

Вот тут их вакансии http://chefs.az/az/vacancy/

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В 29.09.2018 в 11:19, Buchenwald сказал:


У вас много интересных вакансий ,особенно для молодых инженеров.

Опыт в STP- это очень ценный производственный опыт. 

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Ищем Технических Специалистов!


АМАК является азербайджанским автомобильным клубом, который входит в Международную Автомобильную Федерацию (FIA) и предоставляет членам клуба дорожные сервисы, обеспечивает скидками и бонусными программами, а также предлагает множество других авто услуг.

В Данный момент мы находимся в поисках 4-х (четырех) технических сотрудников.


·     Высшее или Среднее образование желательно техническое;

·     Возраст от 19 до 35;

·     Прошедший армию или комиссованный;

·     Умение быстро осваивать автомобильную технику;

·     Кандидат должен уметь проявлять интерес к технике, автомобилестроении, схематике и диагностике;

·     Быть готовым регулярно проходить технический тренинг;

·     Водительским правам Категории B, C желательно;

·     Языки- Азербайджанский; Русский желательно.

Должностные обязанности:

·     Обнаруживать, ремонтировать малые неисправности автомобиля, при необходимости, вызов эвакуатора;

·     Предоставлять службу аварийной помощи членам АМАК;

·     Организовать эвакуационный вызов для автомобиля, где ремонт невозможен на месте;

·     Зарядка и прикуривание аккумулятора;

·     Смена колеса;

·     Доставка топлива и заправка;

·     Решение мелких электрических проблем;

·     Предоставить первую помощь пострадавшему водителю;

·     Доклад о результатах проделанной работы Техническому Менеджеру;

·     Соблюдайте всех инструкций по работе и технике безопасности;

·     Соблюдать правила безопасности дорожного движения;

·     Достигать еженедельные и ежемесячные цели, установленные Техническим Менеджером;

·     Посещать все запланированные тренинги и встречи;

·     Предоставлять сервис в соответствии с нормами профессиональной этики и поведения;

·     Стрессоустойчивость, коммуникабельность;

·     Другие задачи, поставленные перед ними.

Контактная информация:

·        Email: hr@amak . az

·        Звонок:   +994 (12) 437 5858 


Прошу подходящих кандидатов высылать свои резюме на Email: hr@amak . az с указанием позиции "Технический специалист"

Заработная плата: 300-500 AZN

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Germes Consulting Vacancies :

 Vacancy Germes Consulting

1.Operation Manager  in Construction Field (Civil Construction Project)

Salary (Depends of Candidate)

2. Office Administrative/Personal Assistant  

Location (City Center)                            

Salary 800-1000 AZN(NET)

3. Agriculture & Food Industry

Sales Analyst

Industry:Agriculture & Food Industry

Position:Agriculture & Food Industry Analyst

Education: Higher education

Experience:     3 years, at least.

4. Project  Coordinator /Assistant  to Project Director  (Salary 1000 AZN (NET)


Degree in Engineering, Chemical Field

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

5. Project Manager (Consulting in Carbon Area )


Degree in Engineering, Chemical Field

MBA as plus ,Project Management  Certification

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

5. Vacancy

Senior Sales Manager ( International Medical Company)

Salary (Depends of candidate ) +bonuses after probation period

International company

Working hours 09/00 -18/00  5 day


Higher medical Degree

Although this career is open to all graduates, the following subjects may improve your chances:


•life sciences;




6. Personal Driver (Client VİP Person)

Minimum Education & Qualification:

 Higher degree

 Azerbaijani (fluent). Russian (fluent),English

• A minimum of 5 years driving experience in the Azerbaijan  or EU

• Valid  driving Licence (B or BC category)

• Defensive Driving training (BP Certificate)

• The ideal candidate always uses PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) while on duty, use no telephone   while driving and wear seat belt while driving.

The ideal candidate knows the ethics of communication and the standards of conduct in the team

7. Vacancy : Project manager  (International Company) Company

Salary (Depends of Candidate)


  • 3-5 year degree in Construction Degree, planning, engineering, construction management
  • 3-5+ years of work experience in International  construction Company
  • Experience of Planning of project cost as plus
  • Experience as MEP as plus
  • Have experience in the supervising and installation of elevator equipment
  • Certificate Project Management as+
  • Primavera ,MS Project
  • Professional MS Office user
  • Azeri & English (Professional Level),Russian Elementary

Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected]   [email protected]  


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Germes Consulting Vacancies :

 Vacancy Germes Consulting

1.Operation Manager  in Construction Field (Civil Construction Project)

Salary (Depends of Candidate)

2. Office Administrative/Personal Assistant  

Location (City Center)                            

Salary 800-1000 AZN(NET)

3. Agriculture & Food Industry

Sales Analyst

Industry:Agriculture & Food Industry

Position:Agriculture & Food Industry Analyst

Education: Higher education

Experience:     3 years, at least.

4. Project  Coordinator /Assistant  to Project Director  (Salary 1000 AZN (NET)


Degree in Engineering, Chemical Field

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

5. Project Manager (Consulting in Carbon Area )


Degree in Engineering, Chemical Field

MBA as plus ,Project Management  Certification

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

5. Vacancy

Senior Sales Manager ( International Medical Company)

Salary (Depends of candidate ) +bonuses after probation period

International company

Working hours 09/00 -18/00  5 day


Higher medical Degree

Although this career is open to all graduates, the following subjects may improve your chances:


•life sciences;




6. Personal Driver (Client VİP Person)

Minimum Education & Qualification:

 Higher degree

 Azerbaijani (fluent). Russian (fluent),English

• A minimum of 5 years driving experience in the Azerbaijan  or EU

• Valid  driving Licence (B or BC category)

• Defensive Driving training (BP Certificate)

• The ideal candidate always uses PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) while on duty, use no telephone   while driving and wear seat belt while driving.

The ideal candidate knows the ethics of communication and the standards of conduct in the team

7. Vacancy : Project manager  (International Company) Company

Salary (Depends of Candidate)


  • 3-5 year degree in Construction Degree, planning, engineering, construction management
  • 3-5+ years of work experience in International  construction Company
  • Experience of Planning of project cost as plus
  • Experience as MEP as plus
  • Have experience in the supervising and installation of elevator equipment
  • Certificate Project Management as+
  • Primavera ,MS Project
  • Professional MS Office user
  • Azeri & English (Professional Level),Russian Elementary

Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected]   [email protected]  


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Начался набор волонтеров на 2019 Гран-при Азербайджана «Формула 1»


Операционная компания Baku City Circuit (BCC) приступила к регистрации волонтеров для предстоящего гоночного уик-энда Гран-при Азербайджана «Формула 1», который пройдет 26-28 апреля 2019 года в Баку.

Как сообщили Report в пресс-службе BCC, на четвертый по счету гоночный уик-энд в Азербайджане BCC планирует привлечь 3000 энергичных добровольцев, уделяя особое внимание владению иностранными языками.

Успешно прошедшие отбор волонтеры сыграют ключевую роль в организации Гран-при Азербайджана «Формула 1» в 2019 году, приветствуя гостей и высокопоставленных лиц, оказывая помощь зрителям и представителям СМИ, работая непосредственно в Бакинском клубе маршалов, транспортной и других сферах.

Для Академии Baku City Circuit профессиональное развитие добровольцев так же важно, как и подготовка к гонке. Предстоящий сезон обещает волонтерам ряд новшеств, включая вовлечение их в различные тренинги и семинары, направленные на развитие личностных качеств и профессиональных навыков, которые необходимы для их карьерного роста. Добровольцы, участвующие в тренингах по различным направлениям, получат возможность приобрести новые знания и обменяться идеями с другими членами команды. Кроме того, программа планирует проведение ряда мероприятий для повышения командного духа и развития навыков командной работы.

Волонтерами могут стать лица, достигшие 16-летнего возраста, владеющие достаточно хорошим уровнем английского языка (будет отдано предпочтение кандидатам, владеющим дополнительными иностранными языками) и способные работать в напряженном режиме.

Каждый, кто хочет получить опыт, приобрести новые навыки, встретить новых друзей или расширить сферу общения, может присоединиться к программе и пройти регистрацию по ссылке http://volunteers.bakucitycircuit.com.

Напомним, что Гран-при Азербайджана «Формула 1» пройдет 26-28 апреля.


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Sales Manager (Sales Engineer )

Salary 1000-1500 AZN (NET)+%


Sales manager sets short term and long term sales and customer relationships targets aligned with

the unit’s overall sales targets. Sales manager leads the sales process and sales team to achieve

the sales targets by coaching and developing the sales team.


Degree in Engineering/Construction

Language skills : English, Azerbaijani , Russian – fluent

Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;

Excellent organizational skills, ability to multi-task and organize others;

Excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to professionally represent the company;

Ability to develop and maintain good working relationships at all levels, including during difficult or challenging circumstances;

2. Responsibilities and key activities

This section includes the responsibilities and key activities that the Sales manager is either

accountable for, or responsible to execute.

Responsibilities and key activities

Customer relationship management

• Accountable for developing Company’s position and customer base in the market

• Ensures development of customer relationships, profitability, customer loyalty and satisfaction.

• Approves and follows up customer plans for strategic and core1 in his/her area

• Identifies and builds relationships to key decision makers, potential new targets and influencers


• Accountable for leading the Sales process

• Accountable for ensuring results (orders, contracts, profitability and market price development)

• Sets sales targets according to market potential and FL unit guidelines

• Ensures sales result from his/her team short and long term

• Ensures the correct value propositions by his/her team

• Executes and advises pricing guidelines for his/her area

• Approves tenders and orders above sales persons limits

• Utilizes global processes and tools for local benefit

Leadership / People management

• Leads and coaches the sales team, manages the performance of the team

• Ensures adequate resources to achieve the short and long term targets

• Develops the competences of the sales team

• Selects/appoints local team members to manage the strategic / core 1 customer relationships

3. Performance measures

Performance measures

• OR vs. budget, discounts / market price development, CMII pre and post calc together with


• Development of Company position and market share in the local market.

• Customer feedback, satisfaction and loyalty (net promoter index)

• Value of the sales funnel

• Accuracy of reporting and forecasting

• Implementation and utilization of global processes and tools

4. Competence profile

4.1 Behavioural competences

Strategic thinking (Company Leadership Competencies: Strategic and business acumen)

• Develops strategies in accordance with the business vision

• Anticipates future issues and difficulties and builds contingencies into their strategy

• Modifies existing strategies to account for changing circumstances

Market and competitor awareness (Company Leadership Competencies :Strategic and business acumen)

• Demonstrates awareness of competitors and their actions and objectives

• Identifies market trends and anticipates developments

• Shows an awareness of how to differentiate the organization from its competitors

Customer focus (Company Leadership and General Competencies)

• Focuses on customer issues that have the potential for financial gain

• Seeks out and pursues opportunities to add value for the customers

• Takes calculated risks in order to capitalize on an opportunity

Winning through people (Company Leadership Competencies)

• Inspires others to meet or exceed goals and objectives

• Values and provides recognition for the achievement of others

• Builds and maintains the team morale

• Recognizes the key strengths and development needs of individuals and provides constructive


• Helps and coaches others to reach their potential

Self-confidence (Company General Competencies)

• Is confident in the face of opposition from others when expressing their views

• Openly takes personal responsibility for their decisions and actions

• Present themselves to others in a confident manner

Working Schedule -09.00 -18.00

Possible business trips

Registration in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation.

Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected] [email protected]  http://germesconsulting.com/job/

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Vacancy : Construction Project manager  (International Company)

Salary (Depends of Candidate)


  • 3-5 year degree in Construction Degree, planning, engineering, construction management
  • 3-5+ years of work experience in International  construction Company
  • Experience of Planning of project cost as plus
  • Experience as MEP as plus
  • Have experience in the supervising and installation of elevator equipment
  • Certificate Project Management as+
  • Primavera ,MS Project
  • Professional MS Office user
  • Azeri & English (Professional Level),Russian Elementary

Personal skills:

Leadership Skills

Time Management Skills

Management Skills

Excellent Communication Skills

High level business Ethics

Ability to manage a large project

1. Purpose

Project manager manages the interface with all key stakeholders during the project. He/she plans,

directs and coordinates the activities of designated projects to ensure that project objectives are

accomplished within the agreed schedule and budget, using approved  company methodologies and tools.

2. Responsibilities and key activities

This section includes the responsibilities and key activities that the Project manager is either

accountable for, or responsible to execute.

Project manager’s responsibilities depend on the project, its size and complexity and relevant

business process.

In the Major Projects Business for smaller projects where there is no Installation supervisor involved, the Project manager carries out the Installation supervisor’s activities as well

Responsibilities and key activities

Project Management Generic

• Accountable for completing the project safely, on time and within budget

• Accountable for stakeholder satisfaction and managing their expectations

• Accountable for effective collaboration and communication with and between stakeholders

• Accountable for project cost control

• Manages projects from K0) to project closure (K6)

• Accountable for variation and scope management and claims

• Responsible for project “hand over”:

• Accountable for creating the project plan and executing the project

• Responsible for full chain scheduling in company  (sharing the plan)

• Responsible for getting stakeholder approvals where required

• Takes care (with his/her team) of the administrative activities of the project including project


• Controls the material and inventory and takes care of the claim analysis

• Performs subcontractor qualification, evaluation and selection

• Negotiates sub-contractor scope, terms and rates, instigates purchase orders and certifies bills

Project Management Specific to MPB

• Responsible for the project safety plan, quality plan, labour plan and logistics plan.

• Responsible for site methodology and execution.

• Responsible for the project’s financial result.

• Triggers invoice and collection process on time.

• Responsible for Project Start Up meeting.

• Responsible for monthly project reviews, project audits, handovers and final closure.

• To use COMPANY  project management communication tools.

Leadership / People management

• Plans manpower for the project (headcount and the right competence level)

• Secures and retains appropriate talent for project execution

• Identifying and facilitating project related change management activities

• Leads the multifunctional project team and manages performance

• Communicates project goals, gives feedback on the performance and coaches.

• Creates and maintains safety and security awareness amongst employees and subcontractors.

Ensures company's safety and security policies.

3. Performance measures

Performance measures

Project manager - Role Description

All rights reserved.

• The completion of a project to an agreed schedule and within an approved budget and/or

financial result with zero lost-time accidents.

• Adherence and/or improvement of to established and approved  company project management methodologies and tools

• The deviations to the stakeholders’ requirements (contract and specification) are within agreed


• Timely presentation of reports as determined by the contract or by the company  management

• Stakeholder and  company Management feedback on performance.

• The pre and post calculated margin variance is within the agreed tolerance given by the

management team or steering group (MPB).

• The management of the project cash-flow to plan (MPB).

• Costs due to work variations not caused by the company  organization activities are fully awarded

by the customer or other parties (MPB).

• The WIP coverage is according to the plan through timely recovery of progress payments


4. Competence profile

4.1 Behavioural competences

Collaboration competence (company leadership and general competences)

Shares information

widely. Treats others with dignity and respect. Respects different needs and viewpoints. Creates

trust and a sense of team spirit. Maintains confidentiality and holds to agreements. Admits own

mistakes. Obtains co-operation by active listening and sensitivity towards situations and people.

Establishes strong working relationships and effective internal and external networks. Achieves

consensus, closes deals or discussions with clear understanding of agreement.

Execution (company leadership competences)

Turns strategy into objectives and actions. Accepts and provides demanding goals. Leads the team

and individuals with attention to detail. Clearly communicates the team’s direction, provides support

and follow through. Identifies and secures needed resources and delegates work appropriately to

others. Communicates clear expectations and takes action when individuals fail to meet them.

Shows energy, discipline, drive and determination.

Decision Making competence ( company leadership competences)

Is committed to own area of responsibility and contributes to the overall business. Identifies issues

and makes timely, tough and objective decisions, also under pressure. Stands by decisions and

takes responsibility for them. Takes calculated risks.

Winning together competence (company leadership competences) Inspires, energizes and

coaches the team and individuals and celebrates success. Empowers and gets the best out of

others. Keeps difficulties in perspective and demonstrates an optimistic attitude towards work.

Provides prompt feedback. Develops high-performing talent. Promotes diversity as a strategic

competitive advantage.

Customer Focus (company leadership and general competences

Is curious about customer’s business and willing to understand their challenges. Take’s customer’s

perspective and is prepared to engage to their business. Takes customer complaints seriously and

looks for ways to improve customer service. Ensures prompt and efficient service. Strives to exceed customer’s expectations.

Analysis and problem solving (company general competences) Distinguishes between important

information and irrelevant or minor details. Analysis information in a logical and systematic way.

Identifies the cause or causes of a problem. Proposes practical solutions to address identified

problems. Explores a range of possible solutions.

4.2 Professional requirements

• Certified PMI project manager or agreed equivalent

Project manager - Role Description

4.3 Entry-level requirements

• Fluency of English (Major Projects) plus local language (company Way)

• 3-5 years of Project Manager experience (Major Projects) ( 1-3 for COMPANY  Way)

• General Project Management methodology and tool knowledge

4.4  Company specific issues – always need to be trained

  Company Project Management methodology

• Company  Safety regulations and/or Company  security policies

• Knowledge of Company  mainstream business processes and financial systems

• Installation methods (MPB) – Depth of knowledge required depends on the size, complexity and

scope of the project and the project management team.

• Spare parts and maintenance process and methods (MPB) – Depth of knowledge required

depends on the size, complexity and scope of the project and the project management team.

• In Modernization Projects: Modernization process (MPB) – Depth of knowledge required

depends on the size, complexity and scope of the project and the project management team.

• MS Project plus other relevant applications (e.g. Sharepoint, SAP, MS Project server etc)

needed on the project.

5. Document Application

This document summarizes the key responsibilities of Project manager.

This document is applicable to Project manager in the Elevator and Escalator businesses across all the Business Lines and reference organization structures unless otherwise stated.

Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected]   [email protected]  


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Job Title: Office Administrative/Personal Assistant  

State Company

Location (City Center)                             

Salary 500 AZN(NET)

Required skills and experience:

1. Professional experience of 1 year working as Assistant. Higher Degree.
2. Demonstrable experience in an administration/executive assistant/PA role;
3. Full time employee.
4. Fully familiar with computer, word, excel, PowerPoint, outlook and internet.
5.  Excellent oral and written communications skills in English, Russian and Azerbaijani languages.
6. Will be entrance computer and languages exams (specking, Writing and reading).
7. Male  22- 28 years old.
8. Excellent inter-personal and communication skills;
9. Excellent organizational skills, ability to multi-task and organize others;
10. Excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to professionally represent the director;
11. Ability to develop and maintain good working relationships at all levels, including during difficult or challenging circumstances;


1. To provide a high level of support to the Director;
2. To work closely and effectively with the Director to keep him well informed of upcoming commitments and responsibilities, following up appropriately;
3. To proactively manage the Director’s time, ensuring regular catch-up meetings to review and update on diary commitments and key priorities both with internal and external contacts, exercising a high level of judgment on priorities;
4. To provide a bridge for smooth communication between the Director and internal departments; demonstrating leadership to maintain credibility, trust and support with senior management staff;
5. To act as a focal point in negotiations between the Director;


Candidates are required to submit their CVs (Word format+ Photo).Please indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the application email and send to e-mail address: [email protected] [email protected]  http://germesconsulting.com/job/

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Vacancy:  Personal Driver (Client VİP Person)

Minimum Education & Qualification:

 Higher degree

 Azerbaijani (fluent). Russian (fluent),English

• A minimum of 5 years driving experience in the Azerbaijan  or EU
• Valid  driving Licence (B or BC category)
• Defensive Driving training (BP Certificate)
• The ideal candidate always uses PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) while on duty, use no telephone   while driving and wear seat belt while driving.

The ideal candidate knows the ethics of communication and the standards of conduct in the team


 Interested applicants please submit your application with CV(Word format only)  with photo  in English to [email protected]  [email protected]  and indicate the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line of the email.


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С 5 ноября в Азербайджане начинается электронный прием документов на конкурс по приему на работу директоров государственных общеобразовательных школ, который продолжится до 9 ноября. 

Желающие участвовать в конкурсе должны пройти регистрацию на сайте https://miq.edu.az/

Прием на работу директоров государственных общеобразовательных школ будет проводиться конкурсным путем в централизованной и электронной форме.

Конкурс состоит их четырех этапов - приема электронных заявлений, тестового экзамена, конкурса и замещения вакантных мест.

В конкурсе могут участвовать лица, имеющие высшее педагогическое образование или по специальности "управление", с педагогическим стажем не менее пяти лет и ведущие в настоящее время педагогическую деятельность в общеобразовательных учреждениях, а также кандидаты, имеющие ученую степень или ученое звание по специальности "организация и управление образования" с трехлетним стажем работы.

Отметим, что в Азербайджане на конкурс по приему на работу директоров школ будет выставлено около 700 вакантных мест.


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- General Application for 2019 Summer Internship Positions (EUR00000923)


Job Description 
P&G Caucasus - General Application for 2019 Summer Internship Positions-EUR00000923



Would you like to be a part of P&G organization as an intern this summer?
We guarantee you responsibilities from day 1 and ownership of at least one or two big projects. Your manager will coach you and will ensure you get a dedicated training program and many learning opportunities. You will join our dynamic teams and work closely with colleagues from other functions: Brand Management, Sales, Supply Network Operations, Finance and Human Resources.
What’s more?
- A chance to see if a career at P&G is what will help you unleash your potential
- Internships usually last 10-12-weeks during the summer months
- Our internship program benefits from a competitive salary and benefits package
- Our succesful interns are considered the best pipeline of talent for our permanent positions   



We’re looking for:
- Bachelor or master’s degree in 2020
- Fluent in both written & spoken English
- Strong thinking/problem-solving, leadership, innovation skills 
- Ability to collaborate effectively within a multicultural environment
Application deadline: December 9th



 A Student Program/Seminar

Primary Location









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Вакансия : Няня Воспитатель

Зарплата высокая (оговаривается с соискателями )

Возраст : 40-50 лет

Образование высшее (только педагогическое)

(опыт- детский садик, школа будут плюсом )

Знание современных методик работы  с детьми, требований школьной программы начальных классов.

Коммуникабельность ,аккуратность, опрятность ,знание требований гигиены (!)

Медицинская справка о состоянии здоровья.

Отличное знание русского, азербайджанского. Английский на среднем уровне.

Наличие рекомендаций  с прошлых мест работы в письменном виде

Описание работы :

Детей 2 (близнецы 6 месяцев)

В обязанности входит: утренний подъем , приготовление завтрака, прогулки по режиму,  сопровождение семьи в отпуске. Выезды раз в месяц  с семьёй также обязательны .

Если вы полностью соответствуете требованиям, отправьте  своё резюме с фото на почту germescenter@inbox.ru info@germesconsulting.com  В теме укажите «няня-воспитатель»

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Министр труда и социальной защиты объявил внутренний конкурс для выбора себе четырех советников.

В целом объявлен конкурс на 217 вакантных мест в аппарате министерства, городских и районных организациях. 

Подробную информацию о вакансиях можно узнать по этой ссылке.


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